At First We Built with Stone

At First we Built with Stone
Galleri 21, Malmö,
And Proceed to fill the next fold, the future, 30 Mar 2019 - 21 Apr 2019

At First we Built with Stone
Steel, concrete

Aenean aliquet nec nibh et aliquet. Sed in lorem sed est 
ultricies aliquet. 

‘And proceed to fill the next fold, the future’ at Galleri 21 is the last exhibition in a series of three by artists Emma Papworth (UK) Amba Sayal Bennett (UK) and Anna Hillbom (SE).

The frst exhibition took place 2018 at Lewisham Arthouse London, under the name “When you travel in time, leave nothing behind”. The second under the name “Some places exist only once” occurred at Schimmel Project Art Centre Dresden later the same year. For each show new works have been produced, with the aim to create a playful process where the works of the three artists have been developed in relation to each other. Gestures from ancient art, classical architecture, modern cityscape, archaeological founds and poetic writing are used in order to question ideas of body, agency, canonic history-writing and a linear sense of time. The works in the exhibition “And proceed to fll the next fold, the future” act in a collaborative dialogue where the agency of each artists work is at times blurred, at times visible, in an attempt to question the relation of object and agency in the gallery space as well as in a broader context of history writing.

The idea for the exhibition series was born out of the three artists fascination for each others work, as well as a mutual interest in exploring intrinsic qualities of material and shape, in order to bring out a possible mystic and a personal defnition of logics. The serendipitous meeting between Emma and Anna in a smoky bar in Berlin became the starting point of an intriguing artistic exchange and friendship. After exhibiting together, the two invited Amba, whom Emma had previously studied and exhibited with, to take part in the ongoing collaboration. Emma Papworth (1993) Lives and works in Bristol, UK Amba Sayal Bennett (1991) Lives and Works in London, UK Anna Hillbom (1983) Lives and works in Umeå, SE